Noonan Brothers Painting
We are a commercial painting company with a strong presence in the New Hampshire market. Noonan Brothers is prepared to bid on commercial and industrial projects throughout the New England states.
Our goal is to provide the finest quality service to our customers and to do this more efficiently and economically than our competitors. By satisfying our customer’s needs they will continue to do business with us and will recommend us to others.
With more than 55 years combined experience, Noonan Brothers Painting provides personalized, quality service at competitive prices. We take pride in our attention to detail, and we don’t consider the job done until our customers is completely satisfied.
Our mission is to offer the best value to our customers, while respecting our environment and contributing to the growth of our employees and our communities.
About Noonan Brothers Painting
Noonan Brothers Painting, LLC was formed in 2005, starting out as a family business with a strong background of experience and an unwavering commitment to excellence and customer service.
Due to our know-how, man-power and buying power, we have grown to be one of the top commercial painting companies in the New Hampshire area, exceeding $4,000,000 in sales. We will get your project done on time and within budget, which is important in today’s economy.
Our focus is on working with contractors and commercial property owners. By focusing on what we do best, we provide value to our customers.
Noonan Brothers takes job safety seriously and we have extensive OSHA safety training and keep current with OSHA regulations and safety practices. Drawing on their years of experience, our painters set up each job using whatever interior or exterior staging provides the safest and most efficient way to complete each job. Our painters have experience setting up and using all types of electric and gas powered lifts and boom trucks, swing stages and other methods of staging. We are fully licensed and insured.
Our employees are courteous professionals who take pride in their workmanship and are dedicated to completing your project right the first time. Whether the project is a large industrial or commercial project or a residential project we only consider our work done when the customer rates our work as excellent.
Contact Page
Noonan Brothers Painting
140 Bouchard Street, Suite 1B
Manchester, NH 03103
Ph 603 621 9422
Fx 603 621 9423
[ could add individual emails and phone numbers ]
Our Principals have extensive experience managing diverse work including projects at colleges and universities, private and public schools, hospitals, government buildings, factories, chemical manufacturing and other manufacturing facilities, large apartment complexes, new construction, renovations, office buildings and complexes and pharmaceutical “clean rooms”.
Our Painters have experience using all types of specialty coatings Including Polomyx, Zolatone, Metallic Finishes, Epoxy’s, stains and other specialty finishes.
Commercial Painting
- Wallcoverings
- Wall Fabric
- Wall Talkers
- Zolatone
- Polomyx
- Illuminations
- Epoxy Coatings
- Scuffmaster
- Faux Finishes
- Electrostatic Painting
- Intumescent Fireproofing
- Maintenance Painting
[ no words, just pictures ]
Noonan Brothers is a commercial painting company in New Hampshire working on commercial and industrial projects throughout New England.
Noonan, Noonan Brothers, paining, commercial, industrial, New Hampshire, Manchester, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New England,Maine, Vermont, Connecticut, Polomyx, Zolatone, Metallic Finish, Epoxy, Wall Covering, Faux Finish, Electrostatic, Intumescent
Noonan Brothers Painting | 140 Bouchard Street, Suite 1B | Manchester, NH 03103 | Ph 603 621 9422 | Fx 603 621 9423 |
Links Page
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